I could not be more excited to introduce DREAMTOWN's newest offering- "The ADVENTURE Sessions". This is something I've been incorporating into my sessions for a while now, but figured it was time to make it official! 

What is an "ADVENTURE Session" you ask? Welllll, it's pretty straight forward: you + me + your significant other (or family or best friends or anyone you choose!) go on an adventure & I document the whole thing! 

Now, don't be thrown by the word "Adventure". An Adventure can be anything. It can be as extreme as cliff jumping or as chill as reading the morning newspaper in your favorite chair. There is no such thing as a good or bad adventure- if you love doing it, if it makes you come alive, or feel at home, well then, it's an adventure worth taking! 

There is something special that happens when a person gets into their element with the people they love. Something clicks & the magic happens. It's my favorite thing- to simply share in those moments, to catch a glimpse of the heart behind the relationship I'm capturing. 

My desire is to go so much farther than just giving you a pretty photo of yourself. I want to give you a collection of moments preserved. I want you to look through your images and think "wow, that is so 'us'." Whatever "us" might be. I absolutely love & live for those moments in a session when my clients forget I'm even there because they are having so much fun together. I see it an honor to be let in & trusted with those moments. 

So, lovely people, if this resonates with you in any way, contact me! 

I can't wait to take adventures with you.


For the "ADVENTURE Sessions" debut, I couldn't think of more perfect people to feature than Kurt & Megan. These two are dear dear friends of mine who I am so grateful to do life with. I couldn't be more thrilled they were brought together & am ecstatic to celebrate their marriage in a few short months. 

The entire day of shooting, I couldn't stop smiling. Megan looks at Kurt like he is the greatest thing in the world & Kurt treats Megan like a queen. The love they have for one another is truly beautiful & I was blessed to share in that with them. Plus we had so much fun running around the beach, eating delicious ice cream, & even braving the FREEEEZING cold January water for a quick surf. This session goes down as one of my favorites! 

Kurt & Megs, I love you both so much, ya'll are incredible people & friends. I'm so happy to be on this journey with you & cannot wait to see the goodness that unfolds within your marriage!