Remember Kate from the awesome confetti gender reveal party?!  Well this summer she was in Orlando for a few short days and, of course, we made sure to get in a quick maternity session. If you're wondering how much I love this girl & her sweet babe, you should know that the only time our schedules allowed for this shoot was early morning. I'm talking sunrise, early. There's not much in life that motivates me to wake before the sun, but for these two ladies, always. Plus, we were rewarded with some pretty morning light that just might make me reconsider my aversion to early rising. :)

This blog post is coming a little out of order, as Baby AK was born almost two weeks early, and made her appearance last Wednesday. I was fortunate enough to witness and photograph her birth. It was an incredible experience and I'm so excited to share the birth story with ya'll .

Be on the lookout for the cutest baby to ever exist coming to the blog soon. But, until then, in honor of Baby AK's one week birthday, enjoy her stunning momma! 

