On a lovely weekend in July, DREAMTOWN traveled down to South Florida for the celebration of Matt & Charlee's wedding. Matt is a sweet hockey player from Canada & Charlee is a Florida girl who had just returned from living in Africa where she runs a non-profit organization called Ema Ministries. Ema works with young pregnant women in both the US and Africa, you should check out their website to get more details on this awesome ministry. 

I was so thrilled when Charlee asked me to document her wedding day because I love her ministry and she and Matt sounded like tons of fun! They certainly did not disappoint with a rowdy wedding party and loads of great family support. Even though the humid Florida heat was rough on Matt & his Canadian groomsmen, they took it like champs & danced the night away. It was certainly a fun celebration to be a part of!  A huge congrats to Matt & Charlee as they start their new life together! 

(Shout out to Shannon Smith for being a lovely second shooter & assistant for the weekend!) 


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